Window Clean

Revenue Forecast Rising

The UK Window Cleaning industry is worth over £200m with revenue forecasts continuing to rise and here at USS we have certainly seen an influx in new enquiries for our commercial window cleaning services. Established since 1992, we are experts in providing specialist window cleaning services to our commercial clients which range from small independent…

Schools out

School’s Nearly Out

The school term is fasting reaching the end and the summer break is the perfect opportunity to conduct deep cleaning of school, college and university buildings. USS provides a range of cleaning services to the educational sector and our client’s include Kingston University and London Borough of Hackney Schools. Steps to ensure a clean, hygienic…


Cleanliness and Hygiene Checklist

Are you worried about the levels of hygiene and cleanliness in your workplace or just want to be sure it’s the best it can be, here’s a quick checklist of things to consider:- Are high touch handles e.g. door handles, light switches etc. cleaned regularly? Entrances, exits and high footfall areas should be clean, dry…

Cleaning Industry Contributes £58.9 Billion to UK Economy

The BCC (British Cleaning Council)’s 2022 research report has shown that the cleaning industry contributes £58.9 billion to the UK economy, employing 1.47 million people which equates to 5% of the UK workforce and ensures that the industry remains one of the top 10 biggest in the country. Throughout COVID, jobs in the sector were…