Make Cleaning & Hygiene A National Priority

Over 150 industry members have already backed the British Cleaning Council in lobbying government to put cleaning and hygiene at the heart of the national agenda as part of their ‘We Clean, We Care’ campaign. It is important that we learn lessons from the pandemic and that as a country we are better prepared for…

Office Workers

Safe Return To The Workplace

PM Boris Johnson has recommended a gradual return to work from Monday 19th July when the work from home order is lifted and it is hopeful that this will mean the future for companies that have struggled during lockdown will be brighter and city centres will see an increase in foot flow with many office…

COVID Mopping

COVID-19 Safe Cleaning

Business restrictive measures, HSE spot checks and inspections, social distancing and public concern all play a part in why it’s so important to ensure your premises are COVID-19 safe and thus this means that expectations of the cleaning sector are higher than ever. To maintain the highest level of customer confidence in USS and the…